Frequently Asked Questions
Here I will be answering some frequently asked questions and misconceptions about psychic-type pokémon. Bear in mind that some of these topics are still being actively researched, and whatever I say might and hopefully will become outdated eventually. More of these will be added as I get more questions.
What are psychic powers?
No one really knows. The leading theory is that they are caused by matter interacting with a type of wave called alpha waves. These are produced by the nervous system of both humans and pokémon naturally during normal function, though psychic pokémon (and some humans) can control them due to specialized areas in their brains.
Are some psychic pokémon really smarter than humans?
That depends on your definition of being smart. Some pokémon (not only psychic-types) have a huge aptitude for problem solving, sometimes even more than humans when it comes to certain fields like doing calculations without using tools. However, due to biological or even maybe cultural differences, pokémon can't naturally perform a lot of behaviors humans do.
Can psychic-type pokémon really see the future?
No. Some pokémon are able to use their complex brains to generate pretty accurate simulations of it, but they don't predict it. Plus, a lot of the behaviors that are said to be the pokémon "seeing the future" are actually cases of overstimulation due to their extrasensory.
Can psychic-type pokémon really sense emotions?
Surprisingly, yes. The chemicals that govern emotions are pretty similar between all species of pokémon and even humans, and so are the alpha waves generated when these chemicals are processed. So, by recognizing patterns in the alpha waves emitted by someone, the pokémon can effectively read emotions. However, dark-type pokémon don't follow this pattern for an unknown reason, so they aren't able to be read properly, thus causing psychic weakness against dark.
Can psychic-type pokémon really read minds?
Somewhat. Telepathy is one of the more common feats psychic-types can perform, so you could say they can read the minds of other pokémon to an extent. However, it's unclear if they can do the same for humans. There have been some cases of telepathy between humans and pokémon, and even between humans using a pokémon as a relay, but it's unclear if or how the human thoughts are interpreted by the pokémon.
What about humans with psychic powers?
It's effectively the same process pokémons use them through. It's speculated that our ancestors used to have a more developed section of the brain that manipulated alpha waves, but it atrophied in favor of our overall intelligence. It's still present, though, and anyone can use it with enough practice. Some people have an easier time doing it than others, but that goes for any talent.
What about aura?
People get really mad when you suggest it also has to do with alpha waves, so I'm not going to say that. I'll say, please stop asking about humans. That's outside my scope.
Does that mean some humans are psychic-type? Are we all normal-type by default? Do we become fighting-type if we practice enough martial arts?
I said stop asking.